When you take a look at all that is going on in the world, you see there are people who need our help. There are opportunities to use our God-given gifts and the skills we have built. You see ways to make a difference and share about Jesus. Still, if you have never been on a medical missions trip, you may wonder why we go. We would like to share with you four reasons why we go on medical missions trips. These are only four reasons–we believe you can think of many more!

4. We Make A Difference When We Go On Medical Missions Trips

People receive access to much-needed medical care, and they know that they are remembered. Health and courage are bolstered. They get to experience Christ’s love through us! When we speak with wisdom, give with love, and work with hope, what we are sharing is received and processed into something bigger than we may realize. God can move through it in a powerful way. When we go on medical missions trips, we make a difference that reverberates eternally.

3. Not Everyone Has the Same Access to Medical Care

We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality medical care and the gospel. Mission Partners for Christ provides medication, treatment, screenings, and health education in underserved communities around the world. When we go on medical missions trips, we not only bring hope and treatment for medical issues. We also may be part of an answer to someone’s prayer. Our volunteer medical teams partner with local Christian organizations to provide free preventative care and treatment to their community members. By building on existing relationships, it is our goal to deepen those relationships and create additional ministry opportunities for our partner organizations.

2. Other People Are Inspired to Go On Medical Missions Trips

If you went to church when you were little, then you may have wondered why. As you grew to ask questions or understand what your family or teachers told you, you likely looked at what was being modeled. You saw people going to church, praying, worshiping, singing, shaking hands, listening to the pastor, etc. You saw that it was good. If you never saw this, you might not think it was normal to go to church or *gulp* pray, worship, sing and listen to praise songs, shake hands with people who joined the room with you, listen to a speaker… When other people see or hear about medical missions trips, they get to see love in action, and that there are different ways to use their skills in health care or serving.

1. Jesus

There are many unreached nations or regions of the world that hear about Jesus for the first time. He loves people and cares about everything that concerns or pertains to their lives. For us, it’s part of loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. It honors people and lets the glory of God be seen.

These were just some of the reasons why we go. We bet you can think of more! What are some of yours? You can share them here or on the Mission Partners for Christ Facebook page.