Touching Lives, Transforming Tomorrow Through Clean Water

Touching Lives, Transforming Tomorrow Through Clean Water

Water, the elixir of life, is a fundamental human right. Yet, millions of people in underserved African villages continue to face a daily struggle for access to clean, safe water. The importance of clean water cannot be overstated. It is not just a matter of convenience but a matter of life and death. Read on as we explore why clean water is so crucial for these communities and how access to it can transform lives.


The Crisis of Unsafe Water

In many underserved African villages, the primary water sources are often contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and pollutants. This leads to a host of waterborne diseases, such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, which claim countless lives each year. Children, in particular, are vulnerable to these diseases, and many do not survive past their fifth birthday due to the lack of clean water.

Clean Water for Education

Access to clean water is directly linked to education. In many underserved African villages, children, especially girls, spend hours each day collecting water from distant, contaminated sources. This arduous task keeps them away from school, perpetuating a cycle of limited opportunities and underdevelopment. When clean water becomes readily available, children can attend school without the burden of water collection, enhancing their prospects for a brighter future.

Clean Water for Economic Development

Clean water is not only essential for survival and health but also for economic development. When communities have access to clean water, they can engage in agriculture, livestock farming, and small-scale businesses more effectively. Reliable access to water for irrigation and livestock care increases crop yields and food security, while small businesses can flourish with proper sanitation facilities. Clean water is, therefore, a catalyst for poverty reduction and economic growth.

How Mission Partners For Christ Is Helping Underserved Communities Thrive

In each village we serve, we make a point of confirming whether or not the people have access to clean water. In the instances where that is not easily accessible, we immediately reach out to our network of supporters and partners and set a fundraising goal to be able to gift the community with a clean water well. So far, we’ve been able to gift clean water to the villages of Takon and Dassa in Benin and villages in Burundi!

You Can Make A Difference

The importance of clean water for underserved African villages cannot be overstated. It is a lifeline, a source of health, education, gender equality, economic development, and dignity. Providing clean water to these communities is not just a matter of charity but a matter of justice and human rights. It is a collective responsibility that, when fulfilled, can transform lives and entire communities. As individuals, organizations, and nations, we must continue to work tirelessly to ensure that every person in underserved African villages has access to this essential resource—a basic human right that should never be denied.

You can join us in making a difference! Join us and see for yourself just how life-changing a medical mission trip can be. Your presence will ensure that unreached people in Sierra Leone will experience the love of Jesus firsthand and learn that He is truly the Water of Life. 

Join Us in Sierra Leone!

There is someone waiting to be introduced to Jesus, will you go and share the Good News?

Join us in Sierra Leone March 2-11, 2023 and make a difference that will impact a community for generations to come!

Touching Lives, Transforming Tomorrow Through Eyeglass Clinics

Touching Lives, Transforming Tomorrow Through Eyeglass Clinics

In a world filled with opportunities and experiences, the ability to see clearly is often taken for granted. For those with impaired vision, every day can be a struggle, affecting their quality of life, education, and overall well-being. That’s where organizations like Mission Partners For Christ come into play, offering a ray of hope through our free eyeglass clinics. 

Mission Partners For Christ, founded on the principles of faith and compassion, is an organization committed to serving communities in need worldwide. Our overarching mission is to improve the lives of those who are marginalized, underserved, and unreached with the gospel. 

of our medical The Eyeglass Clinic: A Clearer Future

The eyeglass clinic operated by MPFC is are a beacon of hope for countless individuals who suffer from vision impairments. Our primary goal is to provide free eyeglasses to those who cannot afford them, thereby restoring the gift of clear vision and improving their quality of life. Here are some key aspects of how this clinic operates and why it is so essential:

  • Accessibility: One of the  primary strengths of our medical mission clinics is the accessibility we offer. We intentionally go to serve communities that have little to no access to medical. By setting up clinics in these underserved regions, MPFC ensures that those in need can easily access our services.

  • Comprehensive Eye Exams: Our eyeglass clinics doesn’t just hand out eyeglasses; it begins with a comprehensive eye examination. Trained optometrists and volunteers assess each patient’s vision and determine the prescription required for their eyeglasses. This personalized approach ensures that individuals receive the right eyewear for their specific needs.

  • Education and Awareness: The eyeglass clinic also focuses on educating patients about eye health and hygiene. We offer guidance on maintaining good eye health.

The Impact of Clear Vision

The impact of Mission Partners For Christ’s eyeglass clinic extends far beyond the frames of a pair of glasses. Here’s how this initiative changes lives:

  1. Improved Education: Clear vision is crucial for learning. Children who can see clearly perform better in school, which can have a lifelong positive impact on their future.

  2. Enhanced Employability: Adults with clear vision have a better chance of securing and maintaining employment, providing for their families, and contributing to their communities.

  3. Increased Independence: Many individuals regain their independence and confidence when they can see clearly again. They can perform everyday tasks without relying on others.

  4. Better Quality of Life: Improved vision leads to a better quality of life overall, enabling individuals to enjoy hobbies, connect with loved ones, and engage in their communities more fully.

Free eyeglass clinics serve as an example of how a simple yet profound act of kindness can transform lives. By providing free eyeglasses, our volunteers empower individuals to see the world more clearly, opening doors to education, employment, and a brighter future. Through our commitment to accessibility, quality, education, and awareness, our medical mission trips continue to make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. 

Sign Up To Join Us In Sierra Leone

Are you passionate about the gospel and sharing the love of Jesus with others? We are in need of volunteers for our March 2024 medical mission trip to Sierra Leone. All backgrounds are need – both medical and nonmedical; there is a place for YOU on our team. But don’t delay! Applications close December 1!

Touching Lives, Transforming Tomorrow With Expandable Shoes

Touching Lives, Transforming Tomorrow With Expandable Shoes

In a world where access to basic necessities is still a challenge for many, medical mission organizations, like Mission Partners For Christ, are making strides to create a more equitable future. One of the ways we are seeking to make a lasting impact on impoverished communities is through the distribution of expandable shoes, which not only address a fundamental need but also empower individuals to step confidently towards a brighter future.

The Problem of Ill-Fitting Shoes

For many of us, shoes are a basic item of clothing that we often take for granted. However, for millions of people around the world, owning a pair of well-fitting shoes can be a luxury. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to a range of health issues, including parasites, foot pain, and even long-term musculoskeletal problems. Children who lack proper footwear may be unable to attend school regularly, further hindering their chances for a better future.

BeCause International has recognized this issue and decided to take action. They developed a unique solution in the form of expandable shoes that can adjust to a growing child’s feet, providing comfort and protection as they continue their educational journey. We have partnered with this amazing organization to ensure that every child has a pair of shoes.

The Innovation of Expandable Shoes

Expandable shoes are a testament to human ingenuity and compassion. These innovative shoes are designed to grow up to five sizes, ensuring that a single pair can serve a child for several years. The concept behind these shoes is elegantly simple yet incredibly effective. By using adjustable straps and durable materials, they can adapt to the changing foot size of the wearer, eliminating the need for frequent replacements.

The impact of these expandable shoes goes beyond mere convenience. Children in underserved communities can now attend school regularly without the worry of inadequate footwear. This, in turn, has a profound effect on their self-esteem, health, and overall quality of life.

On each of our medical mission trips, we aim to take about 1500 of these expanable shoes with us to hand out to those who need them most.



Be Part Of The Solution For Impoverished Africans

As a volunteer on our medical mission trips, you have the opportunity to share these life-changing shoes with an underserved community in Africa. We are in need of volunteers to help our patients find the right shoes through fittings. It may seem like a small thing to you, but to a child who may never have had a pair of shoes, your generosity with your time carries life-changing impact. 

Join Us In Serra Leone March 2-11, 2024

Be The Part Of Sharing The Hope Of Jesus With An Unreached Community in Sierra Leone

A Heart of Giving All Year Long

A Heart of Giving All Year Long

It seems that we are reminded every year, usually around November, of worthy charities in need of our donations and the tax breaks that might come from the giving. We at Mission Partners for Christ feel that it is important to cultivate a heart of giving all year long.

What does giving look like for Mission Partners for Christ? I’m glad you asked!

We give of our time, our energy, and our financial resources so that God’s work may be accomplished. We plan, coordinate, and lead anywhere from 3 to 5 medical missions trips a year. Mission Partners for Christ spends hours per trip going over flight details, applications, and customs documentations. We spend time answering questions and training volunteers. And we pray. We pray all the time. We pray for language barriers to be broken, for safe flights and landings, and for soften hearts to hear the gospel. In short, we pray all the time!   

What does this all have to do with having a heart for giving the whole year through?

It is our prayer that through our giving, you receive the opportunity to explore what cultivating a heart of giving looks like for you.

It works like this…

Mission Partners for Christ, is a 501c3 non profit. We are supported by volunteers and donations from people just like you.

In order for us to be obedient to God in our calling, we need people to give of their time by joining us on medical missions trips. Volunteers that will choose to take time away from work and family and give it to people that they have never met before, know little to nothing about, and simply serve them and show them the love of Jesus.

We need Christ followers to give of their resources through financial giving. Your support allows us to continue to lead people to Christ, and help to heal them both body and spirit, as God has called us to do.

We need lovers of the Lord to give of their energy through prayer. We need people praying for the people that we are serving, for the people doing the serving, and for the people that choose to partner with us financially.

Here’s how you can help…

Are you a prayer warrior? We would love to have you on our prayer team! Click here to get started!

Is Jesus calling you to be His hands and feet? We may have a spot on an upcoming trip just for you! Click here to see which opportunity is right for you!

Have you been financially gifted? Are you looking for ways to cultivate the giving heart of Jesus in you? If this is you, we would be grateful to have you partner with us! For that reason, we offer multiple giving levels to choose from so that, no matter how you’re financial gifted, you can still support God’s work! Click here to become a supporter!

Have other ways you feel called to serve? Click here to contact us, as we would love to hear your thoughts!

God Bless!

Healing Hearts and Bodies

Healing Hearts and Bodies

Healing Hearts and Bodies: Addressing Africa's Needs for Physical & Spiritual Health

Mission Partners For Christ was created after our founder, Sheri Postma, went on a missions trip to Jamaica in 2011. There she fell in love with missions, and she made note of a need that she was uniquely qualified to offer:

“Our team served in Jamaica through several unique ways. We performed construction work at a school for the deaf, volunteered with the Eden school, and served children at a local orphanage. At the orphanage, the children greeted us with their smiles and were so happy to have us there. They loved hugging us and, at the same time, challenged us to games of kickball. It gave me so much JOY to serve God by reminding these children that God loves them and He sees their worth!

I spent a lot of time reading the Bible, praying, and hearing from God. I received clarity from the Lord that my focus should be on medical missions because of my nursing background and God’s gift of organization.

The call was clear, and my answer was “yes!””


– Sheri Postma, What Sparked My Passion For Medical Missions

As a registered nurse and a daughter of God, Sheri was able to use her medical expertise to open doors in underserved African communities and share the gospel to teach others just how deeply loved by God they are. 

Millions of Africans lack access to even basic healthcare services, leading to preventable deaths and suffering. Seeing this lack, God moved Sheri to create a nonprofit organization to meet the need. 

In this blog post, we will explore how faith, specifically the teachings of Jesus, can intersect with Africa’s healthcare challenges to inspire hope, healing, and solutions.

The Healthcare Crisis in Africa


The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that, on average, Africa has the highest disease burden globally, with many nations grappling with soaring mortality rates due to preventable and treatable illnesses. To paint a picture of the problem: Africa accounts for just 3% of the world’s healthcare workers while carrying nearly a quarter of the global disease burden.

Among the key healthcare issues impacting Africa, three critical challenges stand out:

  1. The lack of access to healthcare services is a pressing concern, especially for remote and underserved communities. Millions of Africans live in regions with limited or no healthcare facilities, leaving them without essential medical attention. Those of us who live in the USA may take for granted how we can just make an appointment with our primary care physician. But for millions in Africa, that isn’t possible.
  2. The lack of financial resources, both at an individual and a community level, makes it impossible for underserved communities to have access to healthcare or health education, leading to preventable illness and death.
  3. The lack of qualified professionals who are willing and able to volunteer their time and expertise to ensure that Africans have access to life-changing healthcare. 

At the heart of our work is the compassionate desire to not just make healthcare accessible to underserved Africans, but to also empower the communities to thrive long after we’ve left. By providing free health clinics, we are providing a need to those who live in the community to lead healthy and thriving lives. Our gifts of expandable shoes and eyeglasses also set communities and individuals up for success so that they can thrive.

In many places we serve, we also aim to provide clean water wells to ensure that preventable illness from contaminated water is no longer a concern. What we are able to accomplish. on our medical mission trips, while working alongside community leaders and local partners, ensures that the community will not just survive but thrive for many years to come.

Medical Missions & The Gospel


According to the Joshua Project, more than 400,000,000 people in Africa have never heard the Good News of the gospel, which is nearly 30% of the total population. If you are a Jesus follower, these numbers likely feel devastating to you just as it does to us. It’s hard to imagine going through life without that deep personal relationship with Jesus that so many of us have experienced. 

This is what Mission Partners For Christ stands for. Without Jesus, we simply wouldn’t exist. It is the love for others’ physical and spiritual well-being that drives us. We long for every person to know that Jesus loves them. 

Mission Partners For Christ is hardly alone in this soul-level desire. Did you know that there is a long history of Christian medical missionaries that dates back centuries?

“During a famine in Syria, St. Ephrem the Deacon commandeered public porticoes to set up a 300-bed facility for the treatment of the ill. In A.D. 324, in Egypt, Pachomius established an infirmary in the vast monastery he had founded. In the vicinity of Rome, facilities were founded by Fabiola and Pammachius.”


– Angelus News, How The Church Invented Healthcare

Jesus Himself is was the ultimate medical missioanry and is shown, in Scripture, that He cares not just for the spiritual health of those he came in contact with, but also their spiritual health. 

And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.”

-Matthew 8:2-3


“Departing from there, He went into their synagogue. And a man was there whose hand was withered. And they questioned Jesus, asking, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—so that they might accuse Him. And He said to them, “What man is there among you who has a sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will he not take hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuable then is a man than a sheep! So then, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”Then He *said to the man, “Stretch out your hand!” He stretched it out, and it was restored to normal, like the other.”


Matthew 12: 9-13


“Now Simon’s mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever; and immediately they *spoke to Jesus about her. And He came to her and raised her up, taking her by the hand, and the fever left her, and she waited on them.”

– Mark 1:30-31


As we serve remote African communities, it is our greatest desire to follow in Jesus’s footsteps, caring for the physical and spiritual health of every person we encounter.

For those of us who know and love Jesus, we cannot ignore the Biblical call for us to share the gospel to every soul and make His name known with all people. It is only through Christ that a person finds salvation.

In addition to caring for the spiritual health of remote African villagers, we also have a Biblical mandate to care about their physical health. As we’ve seen, The current situation in which so many underserved African communities find themselves, with little to know access to healthcare, has created a sense of urgency to ensure that they find accessible and  quality healthcare so that they, and their children can lead healthy, thriving lives. Millions of lives hang in the balance, and it is imperative that we respond to this information with compassion. 

Here’s where you can help us with the work God has called us to do:

  1.  Donate. It’s always our goal to work WITH local people and churches to bring medical services, like medicines, check ups, and education. Most importantly, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people we care for at our pop up clinics.

    Making a donation is a great way to serve when going on the trip isn’t an option for you!

  2. Join A Medical Missions Trip. Applications are open for our March 2024 trip to Sierra Leone. However, the December 1 deadline is fast approaching, so don’t delay if God is calling you to serve!

  3. Share about Mission Partners For Christ with your family and friends. Perhaps donating money or physically traveling with us to underserved and unreached communities is out of your reach, but it costs nothing to share a blog post or a social media post with those in your own community. You never know who God may be calling to missions, and sharing about Mission Partners For Christ might just be the confirmation your loved one needs to get involved!
  4. Pray for willing volunteers to join our medical missions trips. Pray for clarity on God’s will for you to be involved in our work. Pray for our teams as we serve, pray for those who will be hearing the gospel message. If you want to be more involved and hear about immediate prayer needs, you can contact us to join our monthly prayer meeting.
The Characteristics Of A Faithful Disciple

The Characteristics Of A Faithful Disciple

At its core, discipleship isn’t just a path we tread; it’s a calling to embody the very essence of Christ’s teachings in every moment of our lives. 

Discipleship is a term that refers to the deep devotion that a Jesus follower has for walking in the footsteps of Christ. Someone who has committed their life to the Lord is a person who will behave in ways consistent with that decision. The life of a faithful disciple will be filled with obedience to the Word of God, love for Jesus and their neighbor, and a profound sense of humility. 

The faithful disciple is never content to stand still. They are hungry to know more of Jesus and for opportunities to share the love of the gospel with others.

The Role of Faith in Discipleship

At the heart of discipleship lies faith, an unwavering belief in the deep truths revealed to us in Scripture about the Lord. 

One example of great faith is found in Abraham, the first patriarch of our faith. At the age of 75, Abram (as he was called then) was called by God to be set apart from his people and to go to a strange land where he will become the father to a whole new nation:


“The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

“I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.

-Gen 12:1-3

Though the Bible doesn’t record Abram’s initial reaction to this calling, it is probably safe to assume that there was some amount of anxiety and hesitation. He had been with his family and community for 75 years, and now God was calling him to go to a strange land, without his support system, to start an entirely new life.

But Abram was faithful to that call and went where God led him. Although he was not a perfect man, his faith in God kept him on the straight and narrow path to seek God’s guidance. Later in Scripture, he becomes the only person to be called God’s friend. Isn’t that beautiful?

The Role of Obedience In Discipleship

Without obedience, there can be no discipleship. Obedience means following the will of God, even when it’s hard or might seem strange to outsiders. 

Noah was an obedient man. Can you imagine what life must have been like for him and his family? God had told him to build this massive boat and to begin gathering animals of every kind into that boat. Most assuredly, those around him at them time thought he was doing something very strange. But Noah knew that God was calling him to the task, so he obeyed.

Similarly, we see Jesus Himself model obedience for us in the Garden of Gethsemane:


“Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.””

-Matthew 26:36-39

 Elsewhere, Scripture tells that Christ’s anxiety over what was to come sat so heavily in His body that he began to sweat drops like blood. But still Jesus obeyed the Father.

While challenges may arise, embracing obedience leads to spiritual growth and a closer connection to God.

The Role Of Humility In Discipleship

Humility, often referred to as the cornerstone of true discipleship, involves recognizing one’s limitations and embracing a sense of modesty. It isn’t about sacrificing oneself, necessarily, but understanding that one person is not better than another, and that we all hold equal value before God. 

While there are many examples of humility throughout the Bible, one great portrayal of humility is found in the book of Ruth. 

“Look,” said Naomi, “your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her.”

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.”

-Ruth 1:15-18

Ruth had every right to walk away from her mother-in-law and seek her own financial support system with her own people in Moab. However, she loved Naomi and knew that if she left this woman to fend for herself, she wouldn’t survive. Naomi’s sons were gone, and no one was left to care for her. Ruth understood that Naomi had inherent value as a person made in the image of God and she deserved to have whatever support Ruth could give her.

So Ruth sacrificed her own personal and financial security to remain by her mother-in-law’s side, come what may. Even if the path ahead led to their deaths, Ruth would remain at Naomi’s side. 

By cultivating humility, disciples open themselves to the Holy Spirit to convict them and grow them into mature believers who see others the way Jesus sees them: souls inherently worthy of love and care. 

Faithful discipleship is characterized by the qualities of faith, obedience, and humility. As we lean into study of the Bible to learn the heart of God and allow the Holy Spirit room to lead and guide us in His will, we will find ourselves not just maturing in faith but growing more and more in love with God each day. 

As you reflect on your own journey, may you find strength in these traits and a renewed sense of purpose in your pursuit of faithful discipleship.